Saturday, April 12, 2008

Top 3 Ways You Can Get Derailed

Top 3 Ways You Can Get DerailedIn my work with over 20,000 people across the Malaysia during a 2-year speaking tour, I found that the top 3 reasons people derail themselves were as follows:

1 - Stubbornly subscribing to fear, lack and limitation. Running hard "at" the problematic areas in their lives instead of stopping everything to get absolutely quiet, making a conscious connection to spirit and just pausing for a few moments to listen "first" to one's inner guidance and direction. It is from the quiet that you will receive "clear, concise and deliberate" goals, intentions and inspired action.

2 - Keep trying to make themselves settle for less than what they really feel they prefer. In sports, music, art ... any discipline requires warming up daily to the fundamentals. The number 1 fundamental is: expand your thinking. You do this by expanding your knowledge base on a daily basis to create new neurological pathways to be able to even see other possibilities. People who are "stuck" have decided that they can't have what they really want, so what's the use! And yet, that pull inside will not be leaving you alone, so you might as well surrender into what it's asking you to learn and do differently!

3 - Putting Your Faith in Appearances: Taking score too soon! Stopping 5 seconds before the Miracle ...and chasing 2 rabbits and not catching either one! Throughout our society, people will spend 100's and 1000's of Ringgts on make-up, clothes, cars and toy items - putting their "faith" and "trust" in material things first to feel better VS investing in resources that actually keep their "connection to Spirit" growing and expanding, where all will be given, and given abundantly!
Bringing your dreams into reality begins with quieting yourself down and managing your thoughts. It "pays" to think prosperous thoughts. Where do you get a prosperity consciousness? Writing prosperity affirmations daily and learning how to formulate them into MasterMind requests.

Inner Guidance is always there, speaking to us - encouraging us! We must simply practice the art of quieting down, listen to the "quiet" calm voice and trust the easy directives it often gives us. One way to be able to "hear" this more quiet voice, is through expanding our knowledge base: learning exactly how to think prosperously about money, love and health.

If the voice you are hearing is not calming ... then it's the voice of fear and lack that you've simply learned to listen to along the way. It takes a conscious choice - and practice - to really listen to the quiet voice to be able to hear it above all of the other negative, limiting chatter you've subscribed to.

What I've learned in over two decades of MasterMinding is the importance of "asking" for divine assistance and allowing it to come through in all of the ways that are in fact, the easiest and best.
People who appear to be of genius caliber are those who have had the courage and confidence to listen to, and follow the guidance of their intuition and creative imagination. As they follow their inner leadings, the results are consistently so wonderful that others believe they have unusual gifts. They do not really posses unusual powers; they are simply using their intuition and creative imagination rather than stifling these mind powers, as most of us are inclined to do. They are living really Rich Lives.

In the face of any obstacle that appears to be real, they will simply focus upon the solution they prefer. They only seek the visioning power of people in their circle of influence who are solution generators: and there's your MasterMind!
Can you tell I'm passionate about MasterMinding?
I am on a personal mission to inspire every person, every business, school, and organization to incorporate this phenomenal tool for bringing tremendous good into every corner of our world!
You may think your dream is selfish ... and yet, you are the only one who can do what you came here to do.
AND as Disney so eloquently explained: "You can dream, create, design, build the most wonderful place in the world ... but it requires people to make a dream a reality."
Coming together in the spirit of harmony is what is required to accomplish the good we all came here to create. We as a society can spend so much time and energy at odds... and yet, when you come together in the spirit of harmony to simply ASK for ALIGNMENT and the easiest ways possible to accomplish greater good ... it will be given!

With My Greating

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